Joe declines my challenge

Steve Clark (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:37:39 -0500

I earlier challenged Joseph to the following bet:

>> Retroviruses infect cells and integrate randomly into the genomic DNA of
>> the cells. Therefore, the chance that a virion will disrupt a specific
>> gene is extremely rare (1 in millions probability). Joseph, I ask you to
>> put your money where your mouth is and bet me, using your logic, that I
>> get any cells in which a virion has inserted into a gene called c-myc.
>> Shall we wager the money you think that you won from Pim?

And Joseph has declined to participate. This is a simple challenge of his
understanding of probability and it is not loaded with false assumption and
definitions as his challenge was. This represents a straightforward
problem of probability. Come on Joseph, can't you use you definition of
probability measurements to take it on?
