Re: Pim's Faith

Brian D Harper (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:48:41 -0400

At 01:10 PM 10/13/98 -0500, Dan wrote:

Against my better judgement :), I'd like to offer my
own opinion. Hopefully you will take it as that, just
my opinion, you can take it or leave it.

In my opinion, this is not the proper place for questions
of this type. If you are interested, the best thing to do
is ask privately. If you get an answer, then ask permission
to make it public. The problem is that the public question
may give the impression that certain insinuations are being
made. One should always consider the consequences of these
type situations carefully. What if the person is a Christian?
OK, they have a chance to confirm their faith publicly.
What if the person is not a Christian? Will such a public
confrontation increase or decrease the chances that they
will some day come to know Jesus? Isn't this a more important
consideration than scoring some debating points?

<<<BTW, I'm not implying Pim is not a Christian and I
would caution others not to employ the argument from
silence. I can imagine there might be circumstances in
which I would refuse to answer such a question, especially
if I suspected that the intentions of the questioner may
not be above board.>>>

Now to your complaint. It seems to me that this is based on
a misunderstanding rather than a misrepresentation on Pim's
part. I remember very well the time when Pim answered that
he was a believer. Two things crossed my mind (1) Wow,
Pim plays Devil's advocate better than anyone I've ever
seen :) (2) I wonder if he's a Christian. IOW, Pim's saying
he was a believer did not imply to me that he was a
Christian. Perhaps this is a difference in backgrounds.
I have many Jewish and Moslem friends, all of whom would
consider themselves believers. You say that this group is
predominantly Christian. Yes, this seems to be so. But
there are also atheists, agnostics, theists and deists
here as well.

> Pim,
> In all sincerity, it is not my desire to insult you.
> However, your misrepresentation to me and the others on this
> list fits perfectly in the definition of "Clinton speak".
> "Clinton speak" = 1. Commit the offense.
> 2. Deflect the question.
> 3. Attack your accuser.
> You are the one who has been so critical of others'
> credibility. Yet, it is your credibility and honor that has
> suffered in this exchange.

Not in my opinion.

> Enough valuable time has been spent on this topic, I won't
> waste anymore. It has been my prayer this morning that you
> could confess that Jesus has come in the flesh. I leave you
> with the last word.
> Dan Muller
Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"It appears to me that this author is asking
much less than what you are refusing to answer"
-- Galileo (as Simplicio in _The Dialogue_)