RE: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 19:29:53 -0700

> If a whole book by a world expert can't convince you that you are dead
> wrong, then beyond a shadow of doubt your mind is as closed as a bank
> vault on Sunday.

Ed: Joseph, that book by a world expert came to the OPPOSITE conclusion you
do. Why does THAT not convince you? If you are going to make a naked
appeal to Yockey's authority, why do you reject his conclusion?

ROTFL. Exactly my point. Dear Joseph is not a scientist in his behavior, only in his claims.

> Brian wrote:> If there is a liar, it certainly isn't Pim. I will
> continue
> > to give you the benefit of the doubt, however, as I await your
> > retraction and apology.
> You pretend that Pim is honest and Yockey is dishonest.

Ed: Where did Brian EVER say that Yockey is dishonest? He said that YOU were
dishonest in your presentation of Yockey as allegedly supporting your

ROTFL Yes reading comprehension is also a bit lacking. No reason to refer to people as liars though.