RE: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 19:28:19 -0700

Joseph: << If a whole book by a world expert can't convince you that you are dead
wrong, then beyond a shadow of doubt your mind is as closed as a bank
vault on Sunday.>>

Poor Joseph, appeal to authority is not how it works. Especially since this expert considers the likelyhood of abiogenesis having happened several times on earth quite good.

You pretend that Pim is honest and Yockey is dishonest. You make a
promise to recant if data are given to you, then you weasel out. >>

Nope dear Josepg, he did not call Yockey dishonest, he stated that Yockey's calculations are not what he asked for and Yockey .

Joseph : Then, you want me to retract and apologize for your broken promise and Pim's
lies. And for the fact that you won't put your money where your mouth
is, thereby proving that you know you are lying.>

Poor Joseph does not even understand science.

I commend you to Pim. You two can spend a lifetime together retracting
and apologizing for your long lists of fraudulent misrepresentations.>>

Such as ? And does this mean you will apologize your ad hominems ?

Poor Joseph, not a scientists and not able to comprehend probability theory.

It's obvious because instead of addressing this issue on science he calls names and accuses.

Sign's of the pseudo-scientist.