Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Ed Brayton (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:37:05 -0400

Joseph Mastropaolo wrote:
> >Brian wrote:
> >> So, here is my challenge to you. Justify your number 10^-75 to within 10
> >>orders of magnitude and I'll concede to you that evolution is impossible.
> >> Put your math where your mouth is.
> >Joseph wrote:
> > Thank you for taking up the gauntlet, Brian. Please check page 255 in
> >Information Theory and Molecular Biology by H.P. Yockey and read 2.3 x
> >10^-75.
> >> There is my part of the bargain. May I now read yours (> I'll concede
> >to you that evolution is impossible.)?
> Now Brian writes:
> >Hmmm.... It seems I really botched in not specifying your part
> >in my challenge, i.e. what you are required to do if you fail
> >to justify your number. Hopefully you will stop repeating
> >this nonsense.
> If a whole book by a world expert can't convince you that you are dead
> wrong, then beyond a shadow of doubt your mind is as closed as a bank
> vault on Sunday.

Joseph, that book by a world expert came to the OPPOSITE conclusion you
do. Why does THAT not convince you? If you are going to make a naked
appeal to Yockey's authority, why do you reject his conclusion?

> Brian wrote:> If there is a liar, it certainly isn't Pim. I will
> continue
> > to give you the benefit of the doubt, however, as I await your
> > retraction and apology.
> You pretend that Pim is honest and Yockey is dishonest.

Where did Brian EVER say that Yockey is dishonest? He said that YOU were
dishonest in your presentation of Yockey as allegedly supporting your

> You make a
> promise to recant if data are given to you, then you weasel out. Then,
> you want me to retract and apologize for your broken promise and Pim's
> lies. And for the fact that you won't put your money where your mouth
> is, thereby proving that you know you are lying.
> I commend you to Pim. You two can spend a lifetime together retracting
> and apologizing for your long lists of fraudulent misrepresentations.
> Isn't it wonderful that not one evolutionist has volunteered to put his
> money where his fraudulent mouth is! Their tons of words mislead you to
> believe that they really have something other than a masquerade that
> can't stand the light of day. What a waste. Pity.

Just like with the spontaneous generation nonsense you were pushing a
few weeks ago, you are making an utter fool out of yourself. Did you
join this mailing list for our entertainment? Do you really think that
your tactics will convince anyone of anything?
