Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Joel Duff (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:32:08 -0500

>Brian wrote:> If there is a liar, it certainly isn't Pim. I will
>> to give you the benefit of the doubt, however, as I await your
>> retraction and apology.

To which Joseph so elequently replied :-)

> You pretend that Pim is honest and Yockey is dishonest. You make a
>promise to recant if data are given to you, then you weasel out. Then,
>you want me to retract and apologize for your broken promise and Pim's
>lies. And for the fact that you won't put your money where your mouth
>is, thereby proving that you know you are lying.
> I commend you to Pim. You two can spend a lifetime together retracting
>and apologizing for your long lists of fraudulent misrepresentations.
> Isn't it wonderful that not one evolutionist has volunteered to put his
>money where his fraudulent mouth is! Their tons of words mislead you to
>believe that they really have something other than a masquerade that
>can't stand the light of day. What a waste. Pity.


I am beginning to believe you may be right about one thing. Brian and
Stuart are being idiotic but only because they are wasting even one iota of
their energy responding to your inane babbling. Then again, I also am
being stupid and idiotic since I am wasting my time with you right now.
But, my being so stupid isn't new to you I am sure.


PS. To the rest of you I am sorry that this post does absolutely nothing
to help raise the level of discussion on this group. I guess my
fustrastion with this continuing non-dialogue has overcome me.