Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:45:33 -0700

> I wrote to Kevin O'Brien and all evolutionists:

> >Now let me offer Kevin, and every other evolutionist who would like to
> > join him, an opportunity to get rich quick with your evolutionist
> > convictions. You bet 100 times at $100 per bet in a lottery that we set
> > up with your evolutionist's probability of winning of 2.3 x 10^-75. For
> > every win, I give you $100. What you lose goes to me. Then you do the
> > same for me at the scientist's probability of winning of 0.95. For every
> > win, you give me $100. What I lose goes to you. Deal?

Kevin: You wrote:

> That probability DOESN'T mean you have to make that many tries before you get one. >It ONLY means that on average it would take that many tries for one of the tries,
>ANY of those tries, to be successful. You get it on the very first try.

You can convince me by betting, Kevin. If you win with the first try,
I'll pay you the full $10,000 and I'll sign off the list. If you don't
win with the first try, then you pay me the full $10,000 and you sign
off the list. Deal?

You wrote:
> I would advise you to learn more about probability and the scientific method before >you go shooting you mouth off again, but I doubt you'll listen.

I listen, Kevin. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I invite
you to do the same.

Joseph Mastropaolo