RE: 'Directed' evolution?

Pim van Meurs (
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 08:43:42 -0700

>Tim: <<
>Brian previously referenced an article by Spetner at:
>It's very telling.>>
>It surely is. I love the way Spetner 'proved' that mutations lead to
reduced complexity. Boy what a poor argument Spetner makes. No wonder that
some had a hard time finding his definition for 'complexity'...

<<Why don't you go to the source, rather than to an article someone has put
on the web? Where is your scholarship? Judge him by what he has written.
Come on, Pim!>>

Does that mean that you have finally found Spetner's definition of information. And is this article not something written by Spetner ? Before you jduge other people's scholarship should you not first clean up your own 'backyard' ?

Come on Arthur, I am sure that with some effort you can do it.

Here is your chance...