Re: A Poll On Abiogenesis (Spontaneous Generation)

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 09:29:57 -0700

Many thanks for your accurate comments.
Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis and evolution are less probable
than 2.3x10^-75, which is the probability of a perpetual motion machine
or that gold is an alloy.
Scientists base belief on probability of 0.95 or higher. The
evolutionist pretends to believe the impossible, which out of politesse
may be called miracles.
Evolutionists pretend that adaptation, an attribute of all flora and
fauna, is evolution. A bacterium adapts to its environment, a leaf turns
toward the sun, an arctic hare changes its fur from gray in summer to
snow white in winter, the color of moth wings and the beaks of finches
are adaptations misrepresented as evolution.
The probability of abiogenesis, spontaneous generation and "evolution"
is less than 2.3x10^-75 because from the beginning of recorded history
through the present moment it has never been observed and is therefore
something other than science.
Without a scintilla of evidence, the duress on the evolutionist is
particularly burdensome and may be some excuse for their eristics.
Joseph Mastropaolo