RE: A Poll On Abiogenesis (Spontaneous Generation)

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 05:30:30 -0500

At 12:11 AM 10/1/98 -0500, Cummins wrote:
>Specific beliefs regarding spontanious generation were disproven.

This is true. Spontaneous generation was the belief that a bunch of rags
with wheat in a corner would produce a mouse in a couple of days. It was
the belief that rotting meat spontaneously generated flies. This has
nothing to do with the origin of life issue What you are doing is purposely
conflating two different issues. While one has a perfect right to claim
that the origin of life scenarios are as yet undemonstrated, one has no
right to distort history and the ideas that were held about various issues.
Please get your history straight.

>Evolutionists still believe in spontanious generation, they are still
>looking for a version that can withstand even a little scientific

No, they don't believe that mice come from rags in the corner. Cite a
single modern (post 1950) evolutionist who hold to that view? If you can't,
then please alter your statements

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