RE: A PERFECT Creation????

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 05:15:36 -0500

At 12:00 AM 10/1/98 -0500, Cummins wrote:
>If a lack of death before the Fall would result in something like a
>cartoon, what will heaven be like?

I don't expect that in heaven there are lots of accidents, like falling off
cliffs, meteors hitting heaven, tornados, hurricanes, floods, heavenquakes,
crocodiles or lions tigers and bears eating people etc. Exactly what kind
of eternity are you expecting?

>> Glenn wrote: "It is this type of belief that caused me lots of problems
>> dealing with the idea of no death before the fall. Such a belief required
>> that I think of the world like a roadrunner cartoon, where Wiley Coyote
>> falls off the cliff, has an anvil land on his head, dynamite
>> explode in his
>> face and he gets up and goes after the roadrunner again. I found that to
>> be a disturbing view of reality given the physical strength of materials."
>I don't think that Adam lasted long enough before sinning for a lack
>of death to be much of a problem, heh.

Maybe this is true, but that is an assumption because the Bible really
doesn't tell us how long the first couple lasted in the sinless case. And
as Kevin pointed out, bacteria could over run the world in a couple of days
if they didn't die. And, surely in the few hours prior to the fall, a cow
or gazelle chomped on a piece of grass that also held an aphid or an ant.


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