Re: Low view of Creation's capabilities

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 15:32:50 -0700


For me, one of the problems with evolution is that it is based on
correlations and correlations are unable to inform on cause and effect.

Another problem is that it is retrospective which is speculative and
every attempt to experimentally verify has failed. Yet billions of
experiences by billions of people worldwide and down through history
verify the reverse. The reverse is commonplace.

The entire universe, including the biosphere, is running down not up.
The trend of the entire observable universe is in the opposite direction
from evolution. Were this not a metaphysical issue, I doubt "science"
would spend a second on it.

Evolutionists cannot admit the devolution of the biosphere because if
they do then everything comes out wrong for them. They would be forced
to admit that the human population diminishes as they trace it back in
time while the individuals have fewer genetic defects. The anathema for
them would be the logical speculaion of a genetically perfect pair and
the greater logic for monkeys descending from them. They would end up
with theism and rules for rectitude rather than atheism.

I hope you do not find anything offensive in the above. It is meant
only to explain why I for one cannot subscribe to what I perceive as the
opposite of science.

Joseph Mastropaolo