RE: An Evil Fruit

Pim van Meurs (
Sat, 1 Aug 1998 22:49:10 -0700

Pi wrote
> You are confused about evolution. Evolution does not challenge the >'literal truth' of the early chapters of Genesis. Nor do we now if >Genesis is the 'literal truth'. Furthermore man is indeed of 'animal >status' and so what ?>

<<I think you'll find the general view to be that a literal interpretation of the Creation Narrative given in Gen.1 is challenged by the Theory of Evolution. >>

Perhaps this means that the literal interpretation is incorrect ? After all if the data and reality conflict, why should they yield to a faulty interpretation of this Narrative ?

> How so ?

A doctrine which undermines clear biblical teaching encourages experimentation with other belief systems. There are many examples of 'wishful thinking' religions extant which offer a 'second chance' (and more) at getting things right in this life. I'm sure you're well acquainted with this fact.>>

Actually I am not too acquainted with this so called 'fact'. But why do you consider your religion different from this ? And why do you consider your religion to be so important and others so erroneous ? We are talking faith issues here. And evolution does not undermine biblical teachings anyway.

> How so ? What ideas are you refering to ?

Vernon: An atheistic evolutionist believes that life arose spontaneously billions of years ago as a result of complex chemical reactions that took place in a 'primeval soup'. He then argues that, if here, why not there? - on some planet where conditions are equally favorable.>>

You are projecting your own ideas onto others. Btw evolution has nothing to do with abiogenesis.

The SETI project reveals that many believe there to be life forms 'out there' superior to our own.>>

Again you are incorrect in your interpretation. Nothing in SETI suggests that this life is to be superior to our own. Ae you sure you are not projecting your fears and ideas onto others ?

>Is it ? Your accusations appear to be hollow and more indicative of >problems with your personal faith. And yet you claim to know the Truth

Vernon: Are you not aware of the resistance to the presentation of creationist arguments in our schools and colleges, in the media, and elsewhere? It is a very real phenomenon, I can assure you.>>

And for good reason since their arguments are not scientific but religious as we have seen in your case.

I have no problem with my own faith, and believe I know the Truth - at least, inasfar as the Lord has revealed it to me.>>

Fine, then evolution should be of no problem to you.