Hello, I'm new.

Teena Della (tdella@server-1.winslow.schdist43.bc.ca)
Thu, 14 May 1998 17:22:22 -0700


I've been reading your list for a couple weeks and would like to say
hello and let you know a bit about where I'm coming from.

I am a high school geology teacher and a Christian. At first those two
seem to me to be opposites. It is an area I struggle with. I love
teaching geology but at church I hesitate to express my views and
uncertainities. At school, of course, I must not teach creation if I
want to keep my job! For my own peace of mind though I'd like to settle
two questions: 1. Is the seven days of creation seven literal days or
billions of years. Can we trust radiometric dating? 2. The
evolution/creation argument is another dilemma for me. I believe God did
create us but "how?" is my question. I'm hoping that I can learn from
you and that my questions won't be redundant! (If so, please just
respond to my email address instead of to the whole list! Thanks!) Does
anyone have any comments that might shed some light on these two

I must say though, that I also believe that both of these dilemmas are
academic. The important fact, that is indisputable in my mind, is that
Christ died for us so that we could be spared from the tortures of Hell
and have the free gift of Heaven. I can just imagine God laughing and
shaking his head at us for all our other little misinterpretations! (I
hope so anyway!)

I look forward to reading and participating in the discussions to come!
