Re: fish and the flood

Ron Chitwood (
Sun, 5 Apr 1998 13:56:23 -0500

GM>>>>So from what I gather, you are saying that the fossil record is
and the modern fish genera remain to be found. In that case, why can't the

evolutonist say that the transitional forms remain to be found<<<<

macroevolutionists can and do. Why do you say I do not allow that. All I
am asking for is to use the same speculative deductions you have since
Darwin wrote 'Origin of Species'. In the case of current writings,
however, the case for macroevolution is getting dimmer and dimmer. Else
why would Gould articulate 'punctuated equilibrium' or Crick and others
support panspermia. To quote Behe again, THE BLACK BOX, pp 22, "Thus
biochemistry offers a Lilliputian challenge to Darwin. Anatomy is, quite
simply, irrelevant to the question of whether evolution could take place on
the molecular level. So is the fossil record."

GM>>>Not true. The one found in Madagascar is 5 ft long and the fossil ones
> much smaller and are in different genera.<<<

GM>>>The coelacanthiform, Latimera, the animal you refer to above is in the

> species Latimera. Latimera has no fossil record and thus is NOT an index

> fossil as you state<<<

Apparently the Encyclopedia Britannica is wrong, too.

<Picture>any of the lobe-finned bony fishes of the order Crossopterygii.
Members of the related but extinct suborder Rhipidistia are considered to
have been the ancestors of land vertebrates. In some systems of
classification, the coelacanths and rhipidistians are considered separate
orders, members of the subclass Crossopterygii.

<Picture>Modern coelacanths are deep-sea fishes of the family Latimeriidae.
The name refers to their hollow fin spines (Greek: koilos, "hollow";
akantha, "spine"). The modern coelacanths are bigger than most fossil
coelacanths and are powerful predators with heavy, mucilaginous bodies and
highly mobile, limblike fins. They average 5 feet (1.5 m) in length and
weigh about 100 pounds (45 kg).

<Picture>Coelacanths appeared about 350 million years ago and were abundant
over much of the world; the genus Coelacanthus has been found as fossils in
rocks from the end of the Permian, 245 million years ago, to the end of the
Jurassic, 144 million years ago. Coelacanthus, like other coelacanths,
showed a reduction in bone ossification and a general trend toward a marine
mode of life away from the earlier freshwater environment.

<Picture>It was long supposed that coelacanths became extinct about 60
million years ago, but in 1938 a living member (Latimeria chalumnae) was
netted in the Indian Ocean near the southern coast of Africa. Rewards were
offered for more specimens, and in 1952 a second (named Malania anjouanae
but probably not separable from Latimeria) was obtained from near the
Comoros Islands. Several others have been caught in that area. It was later
discovered that these fishes were well known to the islanders, who
considered the flesh edible when dried and salted; the rough scales were
used as an abrasive.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood
