Re: half-evolved feathers

Ron Chitwood (
Sun, 5 Apr 1998 14:14:09 -0500

GM>>>>Why can't you simply admit that they are wrong about something.
Surely you
don't give Morris the ex-cathedra speech that the Pope has, do you? They
state that there are no half evolved feathers that none have been found, I
provided an example. It is a simple as that<<<

No you haven't. The only fact provided is a dinosaur had feathers (fully
developed, it seems) on its leg. The other by your own admission is
questionable. Again, let me remind you of the Behe quote that anatomy is
irrelevant to begin with.

By the way, Morris and Parker are human, too. They could be wrong, just
as your evolutionist writers could be.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood

> From: Glenn Morton <>
> To: Ron Chitwood <>;
> Subject: Re: half-evolved feathers
> Date: Saturday, April 04, 1998 10:49 PM
> Hi Ron,
> At 08:07 PM 4/4/98 -0600, Ron Chitwood wrote:
> Of the discovery of half-evolved feathers,
> >
> >Why do you assume they are right and Morris and Parker are wrong.
> >their observations be erroneous and based on their predisposition to
> >macroevolution?
> One could of course turn that argument around and ask why should Morris
> Parker be right when they have a predisposition to disbelieve evoluton.
> I will simply say that I have never found Morris to be correct when I
> gone to personal observation of geology or paleontology and this was done

> when I was a YEC and I also had a disposition to disbelieve evolution.
> Why can't you simply admit that they are wrong about something. Surely
> don't give Morris the ex-cathedra speech that the Pope has, do you? They
> state that there are no half evolved feathers that none have been found,
> provided an example. It is a simple as that.
> >As an example, observations concluded that Neanderthal
> >man was brutish , sub-human and walked with a stoop until it was
> >discovered that the speciman they had been examining merely suffered
> >rickets. After that the dioramas of museums all over the world had to be
> >modified to fit the findings. One time it was a geocentric earth that
> >considered sacrosanct based on Ptolemaic observations. Galileo had to
> >recant of his findings or find himself excommunicated.
> Lets see.... I think it was the Christians who were after Galileo for
> violating the "clear meaning of the Biblical texts" If only Galileo
> see that he was calling God a liar...
> Now back to feathers, in 1995 in Laoning, China a farmer found a fossil
> dinosaur with feathered legs (Oct. 19, 1995, New York Times, "Very Early
> Bird Had a Way to Catch Worms: In a Beak"By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD)
> "The specimens from Liaoning show evidence that
> Confuciusornis had feathers along its leg, making this the
> earliest record of contour feathers, as distinct from flight
> feathers. Scienctists do not know whether Archaeopteryx had such
> feathers along its body, but it clearly had flight feathers along
> its wings and tail.
> "The presence of contour feathers is important because it
> bears on whether early birds were warm-blooded. Some researchers
> have speculated that contour feathers arose first among warm-
> blooded dinosaurs as a form of insulation. Birds would have
> inherited feathers from their dinosaurian ancestors and later
> used them for flight."~R. Monastersky, "The bird calls that
> filled Jurassic Park," Science News, 148, Oct. 28, 1995, p. 277
> There is also the case of Sinosauropteryx which seems to also have
> evolved feathers although it is still under discussion.
> "Both Sinosauropteryx specimens are surrounded by apparently
> hollow fibers up to 40 millimeters long, report Pei-ji Chen of
> the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology and his
> colleagues. The filaments resemble extremely simple feathers,
> called plumules, found on some modern birds. The fibers could
> represent protofeathers that helped trap body heat or served as a
> colorful display for attracting mates, suggest the scientists."Richard
> Montastersky, "'Feathered' Dinosaur Makes Debut," Science News,
153(1998), p. 95
> glenn
> Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man
> and
> Foundation, Fall and Flood