Re: Conspiracy? (was DIFFICULTIES OF DARWINISM 1.4-)

Derek McLarnen (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 17:24:05 +1100

Ron Chitwood wrote:

> >>> This is a hypothesis for which no testable
> supporting evidence has yet been forthcoming, though it
> continues to be widely believed.<<<<
> The same can be said for macro-evolution.
> Micro-evolution, or variation,
> can be observed and replicated in lab conditions, but
> macro-evolution
> cannot. Many erudite opinions are offered, but no proof.

Because the concept of macro-evolution is a scientific
concept, rather than a mathematical or logical concept, then
proof is unavailable.

On the other hand, as a proponent of naturalistic
evolution, I fully agree with your comments about
macro-evolution. I also see no compelling evidence that
macro-evolution - as one or more processes that are
intrinsically different to micro-evolution - occurs.

Some people, however, choose to refer to long sequences of
micro-evolution as macro-evolution. To my mind, this is
unnecessary and only causes confusion.

> Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
> and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5

Roughly translated: "Believe and do whatever people who
claim to speak for God tell you to believe and do; don't
think for yourself, but allow the people who claim to speak
for God do your thinking for you." Good advice? I think not!



-----------------------------------------------------| Derek McLarnen | || Melba ACT | || Australia | | -----------------------------------------------------