Re: RLT wrote (grounds)

Dario Giraldo (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:54:01 -0800 (PST)

> RLT wrote, castigating a certain group:
> >>Burgy asks for grounds for my statement (and let me clarify that indeed
> I was referring to creation "scientists", and the YEC cult ) that "Most
> are pseudo-degree carrying AMWAY salesmen with nothing more than a
> superficial, passing (to the layman) knowledge of science."
> ...

RLT remarks show that eventhough he thinks highly of himself, his
knowledge is very limited.

For beginers, Amway doesn't have salesmen. I have never seen or met a
salesman from Amway. I do know quite a few (and several of them
multi-millioniaries) Amway distributors. Many of them will love to show
you what a little soap will do for you and they don't carry

Also, amateurs built the ark. Experts like RLT built the Titanic. Which
one completed its maiden voyage without loss of life ?

But the Titanic builders and RLT share something in common: a pompous

Besides, after more than a century of brilliant (and not so) minds,
millions of dollars in research and many devotees of this so called
science of evolution, it still a theory.

So you are either in a sinking ship or losing battle.

It takes more faith and zeal to take a lower broken half jaw bone and
declare it to be part of the first human female and name it Lucy. It
takes a lot of faith and imagination to take this little piece of bone and
build an ape-like tribe (yes several of them) complete with pigmented
hairy skin and have a complete exhibition at the Smithsonian for all the
gullible believers to come and see 'proof' of a great theory.

And whoever doesn't view it the same, well they are 'dangerous and have no
place in science'.

Yeah, as Saul of Tarsus wrote 20 centuries ago 'believing to be wise, they
became as fools as their understanding was darkened'.

Be careful, some of these lower humanoids known a religious fundamentalist
zealots without any scientific understanding may come and hunt you for
their next bbq dinner. Those savages, wicked, unlearned bunch.

La ignorancia es atrevida.

Dario Giraldo