recent papers

R. Joel Duff (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:13:37 -0600 (CST)

For those that haven't seen them, I wanted to point out a couple of recent
papers that deal with issues discussed here in the last couple of months.

Elick et. al. 1998. Very large plant and root traces from the early to
middle Devonian: implication for early terrestrial ecosystems and
atmospheric p(CO2). Geology 26(2): 143-146 (February)

mudcrack polygons, roots, buried aerial stems in situ

Also in the same issue of Geology is an article on deposition around Mt.
St. Helens, and more interestingly (I think) an article on the effects of
the coordinated Glenn Canyon Dam flood showing evidence of sedimentation
from fine to course grains from the bottom up in flood-created sand bars.

Also there has been some discussion of dog "kind" evolution and there is a
paper out in Systematic biology that includes the larges molecular data set
on the Canidae yet produced.

Wayne, R. et. al. 1997. Molecular systematics of the Canidae. Syst.
Biology 46: 622-653.

Note: a good comparison of all analyses and the disagreements between then
is included.


Joel and Dawn Duff / | ' \ Spell Check?
Carbondale IL 62901 ( ) 0
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