Re: New Flood Data

Glenn Morton (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:18:43 -0600

At 12:22 PM 2/18/98 -0500, Jim Bell wrote:

>All right, but I don't want to leave this subject yet. You have always
>taken a high view of Scripture, especially vis-a-vis early Genesis. So how
>do you deal with what I posted? Genesis 8 points to a miraculous abatement
>of the flood waters. That, ipso facto, would make uniformitarianism useless
>as a window to the past. That can't be ignored by you if you want to remain
>consistent. I can see it the other way, too; catastrophists might have to
>revise their assumptions as well.

God may have caused the wind, but the wind has PHYSICAL effects which can be
searched for (in theory). And I would agree with you that if the Flood was
miraculous, then uniformitarianism, physical law, or congressional law is
useless. Could God have done everything miraculously? Yes. Did He? I
think not because he would have to arrange things so exactingly that it
would have the appearance of a deception. If you have a murder case and the
guilty party plants the gun in your house dribbles a bit of your blood at
the scene and uses a car with tires identical to yours, you would call that
a deception. This is the type of activity that God must have engaged in to
make the geologic column look as it does.

>That would leave both sides having to place faith in God, without
>"demanding" certain types of evidence. I can see God planning it just that
>way (a frustrating-the-proud kind of thing).

It would appear to me to be a case of God deceiving us. And if we can't
trust what he does in the natural world, then how can I trust Him when He
tells me to believe on His son and I will be saved? Could I find out when I
die that the joke is on me?

>So help me out here. If Scripture says both the Flood and the drying of the
>Earth were miraculous events, why are we applying an arguably irrelevant
>model to the this enterprise?

I don't think that it says that the flood and drying were miraculous. Does
God miraculously bring the rain every time? Leviticus 26:4 says "I will
send you rain in its season."

Deut. 11:4 same thing.

Of course God brings the rain, but He does it through a system He has set in
place, not by miracle. Otherwise, we are having a miracle at this moment.
>And maybe you or Art can answer this question, too: Has this particular
>Scriptural issue been discussed in the Flood literature? I'd like to follow
>up on it.
><<I have a question. Have you been visited by two clothing salesmen who
>a special fabric that only fools can't see? :-)>>
>Yes I was. They were trying to sell me on the idea that biblical humanity
>evolved over a period of millions of years. I sent them to Texas.

They must have gone to see Art. They haven't made it here yet. And Art is
about an hour closer to California than I. :-)


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood