More on the Handicap Principle

Kevin Koenig (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:06:32 -0600


BH>One suggestion I read somewhere was that the person I save
will have descendents who might promote the survial of my
descendents in some way out of gratitude.

KK>Well, what I think the Zahavis suggest is that by displaying
effort, or the willingness to promote a nondescendants genes you
are showing your "fitness." In other words you are showing that
your survival is so assured that you can afford to do this without
serious detrement.

I'm not sure how saving one's own offspring fits into this theory. It
is definately an act of love or (gag) promoting our genes to save
one's drowning child. I don't think the "H. P." applies to this model.
This is how we disagree.

BH>But to have to stoop
as low as this is merely to reinforce Art's point [wow, it
feels really weird to agree with Art on something :)]

KK> I'm appreciative to all those who have replied. I've learned
something from everyone. :-)
