War of the Worlds (was: Baumgardner)

James Bell (JamesScottBell@compuserve.com)
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:39:34 -0500

Message text written by Glenn Morton
>Also Romans 1 clearly says that God's eternal
power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what
has been made." Why is God's power in the global flood so hard to see in
the geological data? The only out I see is that the Flood was not global.<

You're reading too much into this passage, Glenn. You are, in essence,
saying that God should have shown himself in the RESULTS of a geological
TRAUMA. That's not what the passage refers to, as you'll note from the
context (creation) and the very word "things" which means, literally,

You only see two options:

>>1. God didn't want us to see it. (which is not a satisfying answer)
>>2. We weren't correct in our interpretation that the Bible required a

There is also 3. God considers it irrelevant what you demand as a
satisfying answer.
