Re: Forams and transitionals

Bill Payne (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 19:45:32 -0600

Fri, 13 Feb 1998 10:03:29 -0600 (CST) Wesley R. Elsberry wrote:

> How does your model explain observed transitional sequences?
> Please use
> Pearson, PN, Shcakleton, NJ, & Hall, MA. 1997. Stable isotopic
> evidence for the sympatric divergence of Globigerinoides trilobus
> and Orbulina universa (planktonic foraminifera). Journal of the
> Geological Society, London, Vol. 154:295-302.
> as a case study to demonstrate the superiority of your model.

Hi Wesley,

Thank you for your challenge. I ordered the article today, and will get
back to you after I have studied it.
