Re: Baumgardner

Glenn Morton (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:43:17 -0600

At 01:17 PM 2/10/98 -0800, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:

>One of the failures of vision we have as human beings is the inability to
>visualize things outside of our own experience. The flood was such an
>event, and our best efforts to reconstruct what it might mean to have a
>global flood, when we have no ideas at all about the composition of the
>world in the preflood era, are no more than shadowboxing at present.
>Suffice to say that any attempts to discredit a process about which we have
>so little data, would be shortsighted and premature at least, and arrogant
>at worst.

Count me among those with short vision. But I would say that it is not
difficult to imagine things outside of our experience. We envision aliens
from E.T to the one Sigourney Weaver tusseled with 3 times to date. I have
never had the experience of murdering someone, but I can imagine that also.
I have never seen a meteor strike the earth and form a crater, but once
again I can envision what all that entails.

I most certainly don't mean this example to be insulting, but read what you
say above with UFO's in mind. "Suffice to say that any attempt to
discredti, UFOs, a thing about which we have so littel data, would be
shortsighted and premature at least..."

Under this standard, is there anything we can say with certainty can be
ruled out of consideration?


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood