Re: Baumgardner

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 20:34:39 -0600

At 10:27 AM 2/9/98 -0800, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:

>In Grand Canyon, there is a syncline in the eastern limb where the
>Precambrian sediments are in apparent conformable contact with the Cambrian
>Tapeats, from which they are indistinguishable lithologically. However, as
>one moves laterally, the beds of the Precambrian rise up to cut the
>Tapeats, and the unconformity becomes obvious. Also there are lots of
>formations in the west (California, Nevada, Utah, etc,) which are
>designated Precambrian/Cambrian or Precambrian? because until a trilobite
>or some other metazoan fossil is located, the rocks are considered
>Precambrian. This "logic" would be tautologic but for the occurrence
>nearly everywhere of the boundary unconformity.

Thanks for the info on the conformable relation at the Grand Canyon. I
would say that there are ways to get out of the tautology you mention.
Radioactive dating of something will get you out of the problem at some


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