Re: Doubts over spectacular Jinmium dates

Glenn Morton (
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 19:17:18 -0600


At 10:29 PM 2/4/98 +0800, Stephen Jones wrote:

>GM>I don't know why you chose that figure. I would suggest that you
>>should have problems with him being there 700,000 years ago. By
>>140,000 years ago, it is much less certainty about the existence of
>>someone in Australia.
>You mentioned that Homo erectus was on Flores 700,000 years ago and
>that it isn't far from there to Australia:

Yes it is not far, but it isn't Australia. As I said, there is no evidence
of H. erectus on the Australian continent--ever. This could change but as of
now, there is none.

>BTW you just ignore (truncating my message without the usual
>elipses), the New Scientist article "The drying of a continent" which
>indicates "that large-scale destruction of the Australian vegetation
>only occurred 10,000 years ago".
>More seriously perhaps, you have also truncated (again without
>elipses) my request for an explanation to Reflectorites of why on the
>same day you appear to have removed the Jinmium line from your web
>page, you were giving us all the impression that you would not remove

I tire of dealing with this stuff and because of a weariness of answering
your constant accusations, Steve, I am not even reading most of your posts
anymore. I simply don't have time to answer the same question 55 times only
to have to answer it the 56th. If you can't understand what I said the first
55 times, then I am sorry. 56 probably won't help.

You say things like the above with no evidence whatsoever. I didn't remove
anything from my web page. The list you refer to was put on my web page on
the day in question. Prior to that day, the list of human technology was
not there at all. At the time I placed that on the page, Jinmium was NOT on
the list. Now I see no point to your silly unsubstantiated claim.

Because you have such trouble getting your facts right, makes it almost
worthless reading what you write. I expect your usual flame to the effect
that my stuff isn't worth reading either, so I would suggest that you don't.


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


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