Are we special?

E G M (
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 07:48:16 -0800 (PST)

Atheistic scientists love to tell us that we are not special. We got
here by "sheer dumb luck". Obviously, any view on the value of human
life will strongly depend on the philosophical/metaphysical
presuppositions one has a priori. But, who asks, may I ask, "are we
special"? If "natural" creation became conscious and intelligent in
the human species, then I would suggest that we are indeed special, we
are the ones asking the question. As far as we can see the Universe
has the adequate characteristics and properties for our being, be you
an atheist of a theist, whether you believe that God sovereignly
created the evolving universe to these felicitous conditions of "it
just happened", the fact remains that we ask the question around here,
no other creature does. Look around the world, look to the skies,
look pass the screen your looking on and see for yourself - we are
indeed very special, and we are the only ones in all creation that can
think and believe so, therefore we are indeed special. S.J. Gould
says that bacteria are the heroes of evolution, I say that bacteria
are here for our sake, that they may help me digest my food and
recycle the carbon&oxygen for us - don't they do this? Who is to say I
can not look at the world this way? Some one mentioned that the
universe is indifferent to us. Well, FOA, we are the only ones with
the capacity of being that indifferent. Don't the stars light your
way at night and doesn't the moon govern the night firmament?
Indiferent? Rather, I say, the go their way giving us their light, and
as far as I am concerned, they are there for us, because we are the
only ones (AFAWK) who appreciate them, we named them, and we marvel in
their glories.

Let all creation praise the Lord, the moon, the sun, anything that
breaths, anything that changes, because HE changest not.

Who can ask like the poet "Who wants a star when one holds the
firmament in her hands?



"in ipso enim vivimus et movemur et sumus sicut"

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