Re: Something controversial

Dario Giraldo (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 09:14:08 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Glenn Morton wrote:

> They have been too quiet on this list because no one has said anything
> controversial in a while. I think it is time that I volunteered for that task.
> Last Sunday at church the preacher was covering 2 Tim 3:10-4:3. He pointed
> out that this passage was directed to the christians. Something really
> struck me about this passage that I had always seen as a warning to
> nonchristians, but is really a warning to Christians. The passage says,


Why do you act surprised that Pauls' writings were directed at Christians?

Doesn't make sense for me to (not by mistake) send a message to you when I
want to communicate with Brian for example ?

When we use picthfork Christianity (you know this passage isn't for me I
just picth it to the dude on my left, yeah he needs it) we can reconcile
the thought that Scripture is for nonbelievers. It isn't and as you
pointed is useless.

> For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.
> Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
> number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." NIV
> What struck me forcefully is that this is directed at the Christians not
> the unbelievers. It is the Christians who have those itching ears and
> want to hear only what agrees with them! For years I have heard this
> verse used against non-christians and evolutionists but since a
> non-christian cannot be encouraged by the Wrod of God and they hold NO
> doctrine the passage can't apply to them.

The doctrine Paul is talking about isn't scientific doctrine (Scriptures
do mention against following the teachings of the 'so called science') but
philosophical and theological doctrines. In that day there were plenty of
them. One example of Pauls' rebuke of one of them can be found in the
whole epistle to the church in Galatia. He also wrote and spoke against
stoicism, gnosticism and epicureanism to name a few.

Personally, I don't care to engage in theological or doctrinal discussions
with Primitive Baptists for example on whether or not the prophetic
aspect or Charismatic gifts are for today or not. Since I believe and
agree that the Prophetic Spirit still in the church today, I will listen
to teachers in this area instead of an PB teachings against it.

The same holds true for the evolution theory. And since it is a theory
and not a law it isn't beyond doubt. And I have plenty of doubt
regardless of how much I read or listen pro or con.

On the other hand, I'm still waiting for evolutionists to come up with
proof and proved hipothesis of where the vegetable and animal worlds come
together. If life began in water, then when the blue-green algae became
sardines and sardines becames apes and so on and why apes aren't turning
into men today.

I read about evolution just to keep informed as to the lasts twists of it,
since it seems to change as the seasons. But from there to believe it is
a long way..

On top of it all, my view and interpretation of Scripture makes it close
to impossible to believe your detailed explanations on evolution or events
in Genesis.

Best Regards,

Dario Giraldo