Re: Homo erectus tamed the wolf?

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 04 Jul 1997 13:32:23 -0500

At 11:08 AM 7/4/97 -0400, Jim Bell wrote:

>Ah, finally! This is an attempt to answer the question. It misses the
>point, however, and thus it begins to look to me like there is no answer in
>your theory.
Then please make your point more clearly. You must be having trouble
writing in your old age. :-)

>Specialization be hanged. Where is the evidence of the human mind and
>spirit for 4.5 million years? It's not must a matter of handing down
>specialized techniques--it's a matter of a fully human and spiritual being,
>such as Noah, DISAPPEARING from the scene for as long as it takes you to
>find "evidence" of incipient human capability (you won't call it that, but
>that's what everyone else calls it).

Art, religion, carpentering, domestiction of animals, all exist in all forms
of hominid back through Homo erectus. If that is not sufficient for you, if
you require a face to face chat with them, then I can't provide that. You
are asking for the impossible.

><<If everyone on earth is
>trying to find food, there is no time to develop these specializations.>>
>Uh-huh, and they spent 4.5 million years without any significant advances
>in their culture or technique, or anything that even remotely resembled the
>culture of Noah.

The Tasmanians spent several millenia losing technology and they didn't
re-invent anything.

>Do you understand how long 4.5 million years is, Glenn? You expect us to
>believe that ape-like creatures, without language or culture, descended
>from the sophisticated, God worshipping and communicative culture of Noah?
>And sat around for 4.5 million years in virtually the same condition?

Who said they are apelike. You really don't know the anatomical details.

Time-Life's The First Men(1973 p. 14) said about
Home Erectus,
His bones were heavier and thicker than a modern man's,
and bigger bones required thicker muscles to move them.
These skeletal differences however are not particularly
noticable. "Below the neck", one expert noted, "the
differences between Homo-Erectus and today's
man could only be detected by an experienced

And your favorite expert, Tattersall says,

"Hard on the heels of these species comes Homo ergaster, which, as the 'Turkana
Boy' attests, is postcranially altogether more modern. "~Ian Tattersall, The
Fossil Trail (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p.231

So please cease misrepresenting the modernity of the bodies of Homo erectus.

><<We both have
>only the vaguest notion of how to build a building, build a car, build a
>rocket which can go to the moon. Civilization requires specialists.
>Specialization of knowledge requires time for study.>>
>Modern man's record is of innovation, exploration, daring, accomplishment,
>increase. Think of what he has done with spans of tens of thousands of
>years. And you want us to believe that the same people who spoke to God and
>figured out iron foundries and the like, did squat (except squat) for 4.5
>MILLION years?
>It's not a matter of patents. It's a matter of MIND. MODERN mind.

The only thing attesting to modernity of mind is behavior. All the archaics
did things which are quite modern.

>And your
>ancient hominids didn't have it. In the case of a 4.5 million year gap
>(this is an astounding number), the absence of evidence is most certainly
>evidence of absence.

Jim you need a logic class. Absence of evidence is NEVER evidence of absence.


Foundation, Fall and Flood