Re: ICR and its slurs
Mon, 26 May 1997 10:18:51 -0700

Russell Stewart wrote:
> Why does logic have to be the basis for everything? Sooner or later, as you
> go back to the basis of an argument, you reach a point where there is a
> foundation of simple assumption. This is true of *any* argument, no matter
> how solid or true we know it to be. The central assumption in my argument is
> that other human beings have feelings like myself, and that it is wrong to
> hurt those feelings. Is this logical? No. But neither is the central assumption
> of Christian morality. If Jim Bell were honest, he would apply the same scrutiny
> to his beliefs that he has to mine, and he would be forced to either throw out
> his beliefs, or recognize the validity of mine.

When you begin to deny logic as fundamental, then you essentially have
*no* basis for argument. In fact, the very denial of logic is an
application of logic. You just cannot get around that, Russell.