Re: Racism is Racism: Evolution is NOT

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 23 May 1997 15:49:26 -0500

At 04:18 PM 5/23/97 EDT, Jim Bell wrote:
>Glenn Morton writes:
><<I am going to answer this one, in spite of my deep desire not to get
>involved again with this raging discussion I started. >>
>Now you're going to wish you had followed your deep desire. ;-)

For the first time in your life Jim, you are absolutely correct. :-)

><<While I would not base morality on evolution, there are very good
>evolutionary reasons not to kill your neighbor.>>
>You're dead from the get go. You assume some standard of "good" when you have
>no source for it.

Good can be nothing more than passing on your genes. The materialist
definition of good. That is consistent with evolution.


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