Re: Creationism's 'bad rap'

john queen (
Thu, 15 May 97 11:22:36 -0500

------Evolution does not fit into the Bible in the least amount. Just read the
first few chapters of Genesis. There was lots of living things on the earth
even before there was a sun or moon! The creation story doesn't make sense to
science. God created man. He created women from man using a RIB! explain that
with Darwanism. Gods ways are not our ways. God is a Spirit. Were talking
about Supernatural not some natural mechanism. If God is all-knowing do you
think he needed Darwanism?
Does christians have to explain how Jesus was crucified and buried yet
was raised from the dead? What about Lazarus? What about the walls of Jherico,
the parting of the Red Sea, the opening of blind eyes and the ongoing works of
God that we see even today? Just look at how complex we are along with all of
creation. Do you think our Creator needs random mistakes or processes?

God said "let there be light..and there was light" "let there be..."
It's very clear and takes faith just like the rest of the Bible.

John W. Queen II