Re: How long must we wait?

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 18:56:18

Randy Landrum wrote:

>On Sun, 8 Dec 1996, Glenn Morton wrote:
>> Randy Landrum wrote:
>> >I do believe in a younger than billion year old earth I may not be the
>> >normal yec but I believe that science is the systematized knowledge
>> >derived from observation. It is a branch of knowledge, esp. one that
>> >systematizes facts, principles, and methods. According to my
> understanding
>> >evolution does not fit that definition.
>> What is the evidence that makes you believe that the earth is less than 4
>> billion years old and how old do you believe it to be?
>The Bible book of Genesis.

Fair enough. So then science has nothing to do with it. Why do you care then
what science says? What is the point of engaging in any discussions about the
data for or against evolution? I think your actions betray a desire to have
the observations match your interpretation of the Bible.

Foundation,Fall and Flood