I believe God did create a better world, could not our sin cause
imperfections? Like worry, murder, cancer, TB, Aids, etc.....
If you believe in the Bible, which I do, people tended to live a lot
longer in ancient times.
> >
> > How is that better? I mean, better, not in one's imagination --
> > armchair re-design is easy, right? -- but in fact. When Miller
> > made this claim, I asked him how he knew there was no
> > functional reason for the long pathway. And, bless him for
> > his honesty, he admitted he didn't know.
> There is no KNOWN functional reason for a long pathway. Could there
> be a functional reason for the long pathway? Sure. Anything is
> possible - especially in biology. All we can do is to discuss the
> available evidence. You have to provide evidence of a function
> otherwise you could be accused of doing the armchair theorizing of
> which you accuse others. Worse, you could be accused of a fallacy
> (hypothesis contrary to fact) or of doing less than dignified
> science. Biologists do have an explanation for the recurrent nerve.
> It was originally the 4th branch of the vagus nerve in the fish. Here
> the route is direct. The nerve followed the same route through the
> higher vertebrates but as the neck became longer the detour came to
> look increasingly absurd.
Great post Mike, on thing that comes to my uneducated mind is that If a
neck was so long why would the blood pressure that it took to get all the
way up to the head not explode the brain when the animal lowered it's
head? Your post remindes me of the guy (and I cannot remember who :) that
open up a package of parts disguarded the instructions (or the Bible) and
when finished had several nuts and bolts left over. Yes everything worked
but maybe not as it had been designed. I have not heard of anyone
re-routing nerves or veins. When all else fails I fall back on the old
saying if it aint broke don't fix it.
`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
' -.-,s @@Wi[ ,z,c \\.
.Y/ ,_-8!s/*fi! '',_\,!@m[ Jacques Millot, "The Coelacanth"
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-=`-(- ',,`! Wf+i dMTf~~Y**f[ ~ Randy Landrum
!-! ! ,./,@b- -WW/b@mW~msm! ~ B.A. Brooks Institute
P-' , ' ~_dA~~M@WD*fV\]bA@@f ~ US Coordinator FaithNet 700:1000/0.0
e..! ,,!A`im/ - .*NW@@@Wf ~ randyl@efn.org
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