Re: Who Done It?

John W. Burgeson (
29 Apr 96 17:52:49 EDT

Steve writes: "Agreed. But believe it or not, there are some *Christians* who
are so
committed to the definition of science proposed by "the natural man"
(1Cor 2:14), that they will actually defend the exclusion of God from
science, even in the area of *origins*."

As a Christian who defends that exclusion, I am not pleased by
either the accusation that it is "proposed by the natural man" nor
by being clasified a *Christian.* That is, IMO, pejorative.

As far as I know, you never responded to my last question to you on
this reflector. This was : "If I buy into the TR framework tonight, what do I do
at work tomorrow. Choose your science field. Any field."
