Can you be objective about evolution?
25 Apr 1996 08:56:38 EDT

I have just recently subscribed to this list and have been waiting in
the background observing and getting the feel of the discussions before
I jumped in.

To help Steve out I'd like to comment on his posting...

>If evolutionists have difficulty in even thinking of any evidence
>*against* evolution, how can we sceptics of evolution have any
>confidence in their scientific objectivity in their selection of
>evidence *for* evolution?

Perhaps a better way to have put this would have been "If evolutionists
have difficulty in even publicly aknowledging any evidence *against*
evolution...". Yes, there have been numerous papers, books,
publications, etc. over the years that confirm that many evolutionists
have, in fact, been objective. My concerns have always been that
outside of the scientific comunity you see or hear very little of the
evidence against evolution, except from creationists. It's kinda like
the crazy old aunt that you keep in the basement, everyone in the
family knows she's there but don't tell the neighbors.

The result has been a loss of credibility (except perhaps in some
scientific circles) by evolutionists. As creationism increasingly gains
acceptance, people eventually learn about some of the evidences against
evolution. All too often the response has been that some evolutionists
poo-poo their "folk-science" instead of aknowledging the truth.

This is not meant to slam evolutionists as a whole, but we cannot deny
that it occurs. As evidence I point to the thousands of school
textbooks printed every year that don't even hint at evidence against
evolution. Instead it is portrayed as dogma, and I certainly don't see
any evolutionists clamoring for more objectivity in how the material is

Paul Durham