Re: TE's vs. Naturalism

Tim Ikeda (timi@mendel.Berkeley.EDU)
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 15:52:01 -0800

Loren writes:
[segment deleted...]

>Perhaps the perception is that TE's are not writing ENOUGH books,
>articles, and letters, or that those books don't make the best-seller
>lists? I am genuinely curious, why is this perception of TE's so

Would Paul Davies (_Mind of God_, _Cosmic Blueprint_ & etc.) be
considered a TE of some fashion? His books are certainly popular.
Or, how about Roger Penrose? These two may not be Christian, per se,
but they both seem to postulate some "directing" influence to the
development of the universe.

I concur with Loren's observations: When discussed in "trade journals",
Dawkin's metaphysics (and others) do generate opposing letters and

Regards, Tim Ikeda (