Re: Feet to the Fire

Jim Bell (
22 Apr 96 18:45:37 EDT

Steve Clark writes:

<<I would like to suggest another acronymic category for the group to use:
TC, for theologically correct. These would be defined as those who
steadfastly rail against the Secular University, Methodological Naturalism,
while conveniently ignoring the philosophical limitations of their own

Oh yeah? Who says you get to define TC? What are you, a relativist or

Anyway, Theistic "Realists" have no limitations in epistemology TO ignore. It
is the Naturalist who erects an arbitrary barrier to Reality.

Naturalists say the world is either/or. Either purely natural, or purely
subjective (read: illogical, erroneous, boob infested).

TR's say: both/and. Natural law AND supernatural law. Where is the
epistemological limitation in that?
