Re: How the Leopard...? (was Brian Goodwin on the web)

Stephen Jones (
Mon, 22 Apr 96 07:18:04 EDT


On Mon, 8 Apr 1996 08:42:14 -0400 you wrote to Chuck Warman:


CW>I'm a CPA; can I therefore point out only those logical errors
>or inconsistencies attributable to other CPA's?

BH>You are quite welcome to criticize any field you choose to.
>However, if you criticize a field that is not your own, you had
>better do your homework.

Agreed. That applies to just about all of us on the Reflector - PhD's
and non-PhD's alike. Presumably part of doing this "homework" is
reading the popular works of the experts (eg. Gould, Dawkins,
Goodwin, etc) and noting where they disagree with each other and their
"logical errors or inconsistencies".

BH>When young-earth creationists simply recycle one another's
>arguments -- even the ones which have been refuted many times, that's
>not doing your homework.

Where did this "young-earth creationists" spring from? Since I was
the original object of this thread, do I need to point out (yet again)
that I am *not* a "young-earth creationist"? :-)

God bless.


PS: Sorry if this is a double-up
| Stephen Jones ,--_|\ |
| 3 Hawker Ave / Oz \ |
| Warwick 6024 ->*_,--\_/ phone +61 9 448 7439. (These are |
| Perth, Australia v my opinions, not my employer's) |