Re: Of PhDs, priests and logic

Chuck Warman (
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 10:45:30 -0500

Jim Bell wrote,


>>>It is what I call the Priesthood Fallacy. Here,
the S uses his hard earned knowledge to wrap himself in the raiments of
episcopacy and pronounce all the unordained as rabble or, worse, pagans. They
chain their Scriptures (read: primary literature) to the pulpit and say, "The
rabble cannot understand. Listen only to us."<<<


Very good. It's really "Catch-22" logic:

1. Only scientific experts can evaluate evolutionary theory.
2. To be an expert, you must have an advanced degree.
3. To obtain an advanced degree, you must buy into evolutionism.
4. Thus, *all* experts agree on "the fact of evolution."
5. Therefore, evolution is a fundamental, unarguable truth.

Neat, huh?


Chuck Warman
"The abdication of Belief / Makes the Behavior small."
--- Emily Dickinson