Algorithmic Complexity [2/2]

Brian D. Harper (
Tue, 23 Jan 1996 15:43:44 -0500

Now, it may seem at first that the above observations call into
question our previous discussion about the probability of achieving
a highly compressible (ordered) result. It is true that the
algorithmic complexity can be measured without any knowledge of the
process used to generate the result, however, we can still compute
probabilities of various outcomes if we do happen to have some
_a-priori_ knowledge about the process. In all the previous examples
we were assuming _a-priori_ that the stochastic process had two
equi-probable outcomes (i.e. we were discussing things in terms of
the expected outcome of tossing a fair coin). The important thing
to learn from this is that probability calculations are likely to be
completely erroneous if the _a-priori_ probabilities of the various
possible outcomes are not known. This becomes particularly significant
since in practice it is quite common, when detailed knowledge of
probabilities is unknown, to merely assume that all possibilities
occur with equal probability. Hopefully this example will convince
the reader that probabilities thus calculated can lead one to
incorrect conclusions.

<< will probably need something further here emphasizing that the
previous counting argument still applies when the two possibilities
are not equi-probable, i.e. the counting argument doesn't require
_a-priori_ knowledge of the process. it just occurred to me that this
may not be obvious. :) What also may not be obvious is that for the
ten faced die experiment, the total number of possible results is
still 2^64 and not 10^64. Also, as might be anticipated, this last
example has important implications regarding probability of abiogenesis
calculations ;-)>>


1. I have NO idea what a _Sachertorte_ is ;-).


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Brian Harper |
Associate Professor | "It is not certain that all is uncertain,
Applied Mechanics | to the glory of skepticism" -- Pascal
Ohio State University |