Re: Gish's honesty (was Genetic Similarity)

Jim Foley (
Mon, 8 Jan 96 16:22:24 MST

>>>>> On Tue, 09 Jan 96 05:57:15 EST, (Stephen Jones) said:

JF>I consider Gish totally untrustworthy, even on something that
>> appears relevant to his expertise in biochemistry (although I suspect
>> that the question of what molecules we could digest has more to do
>> with physiology than biochemistry).

>> This parallels a exchange you and I were having privately. Although I
>> am not a YEC, and I do not deny that some members of the ICR may be
>> "untrustworthy", I have seen no evidence that its leaders (eg. Gish
>> and Morris) are dishonest. That is, that they deliberately try to
>> mislead others by making statements as true that they really know are
>> false.

I will get back to you about your private email, with some documentation
(which, naturally, means it will take me a little time). Read
"untrustworthy" as synonymous with "unreliable", rather than
"intentionally dishonest". I consider Gish's argumentation so shoddy
(see my FAQ for reasons) that I could not accept anything he says
without further documentation.

-- Jim Foley                         Symbios Logic, Fort Collins,                        (303) 223-5100 x9765  I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call  it a weasel.      -- Edmund Blackadder