The oldest present evidence of subduction in continental drift 2.7 billion
years ago. The previously oldest evidence was at 1.9 Billion years, a gap of
800 million years.
The oldest unconformity is at 3.46 billion years old. Prior to that
discovery the earliest unconfomrity was at 2.9 billion years. Prior to the
new discovery the logic would have required that unconformity didn't exist
and could not be assumed to exist in any scientific discussion.
Similarly, I was told that I could not assume that homo habilis or any other
fossil man existed prior to the earliest evidence in the fossil record.
Thus, I was assured that homo habilis could not have existed back when I
think the flood occurred. I argued strongly against that point of view also.
Now we come to the new phylum. If we apply the logic which I have been
assured is the correct way to handle objects in the fossil record, then this
new phylumn did not exist prior to 1995. So, did it evolve, was it
progressively created, or did it come from space?
Using that logic which was so widely used against my position, the PC's must
assume that it was created by God this year. But that violates what someone
like Hugh Ross believes. He writes:
"The creation days of Genesis, if long, provide an
explanation. For six days (the fossil record eras) God created
new life-forms. After the creation of Adam and Eve, however, God
ceased from His work of creating new life-forms (the seventh
day), and his rest, or 'cessation,' continues this day. (He is
still at work in other, providential ways.)"~Hugh Ross, Creation
and Time, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1993), p. 50
So, if I can't assume that objects exist prior to their first occurence, then
neither should anyone else. Thus Hugh's view is wrong, because we just had
God create new life-forms in 1995.
For the YEC's who would not allow the assumption of the existence of a being
on earth prior to the exact time of its first fossil, This means that God
created this thing last year.--or a new life form has evolved.