Re: How should Christians handle refutations?

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 4 Jan 1996 09:32:15 -0500

Stephen writes

>IMHO Dawkins is the mirror image of the extreme YEC fundamentalist.
>Unfortunately, he is the type of person who the naturalistic science
>establishment has chosen to represent its views to the non-scientific
>"Among modern Darwinists, Dawkins has achieved enormous acclaim for
>presenting orthodox neo-Darwinism persuasively...In 1990 Dawkins
>received the Michael Faraday Award from the British Royal Society as
>"the scientist who has done the most to further the public
>understanding of science " In 1992 he gave the Royal Institution's
>Christmas lectures for young people, televised by the BBC, arguing the
>same naturalistic worldview that he presents in The Blind Watchmaker.
>I mention these accolades to dispel any illusion that Dawkins's
>explicitly naturalistic presentation of Darwinism amounts to a mere
>personal philosophy. He certainly is promoting metaphysical
>naturalism, but... he does so with the wholehearted support of the
>scientific establishment of his nation." (Johnson P.E., "Reason in
>the Balance", InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove Ill., 1995, p76)

I wonder if Dawkins really enjoys the widespread support Phil is claiming
here. I have some vague recollections of quotations from other scientists
which are critical of Dawkins for mixing his metaphysics with what he
labels as science in his books, and for preaching a certainty about his
conclusions that is not justified. Unfortunately I don't remember where
these quotations appeared. Does anyone else?

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
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