...> VJ: If the evidence is indeed as rock-solid as you suggest then why do
> many reputable scientists continue to think otherwise?
The only "reputable scientists" I've seen who support this view are
bloviating gasbags who don't possess credentials in the appropriate
disciplines. If you can prove me wrong, please do.
> John 1:1-14 require us also to accept him as God the Creator. This truth
> is confirmed by the appearance of his number, 2368, as a factor of the
> concatenated word values of Genesis 1:1 (see "The Arbiters of Truth",
> latter part of Section B:
> http://homepage.virgin.net/vernon.jenkins/Gen2701.htm ).
-- That is my most beloved portion of Scripture. Please show that St. John implies a 6day/24hr/6Ka Creation here. In God's Peace, RogerReceived on Mon Jul 26 21:28:26 2004
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