Herewith my responses to the points made:
DW: You claim that the "miracle" of Genesis 1:1 necessarily implies the world is less than 10,000 years old.
VJ: I base my reasoning on the extreme unlikelihood that He who planned and implemented such a remarkable event was incapable of truthfully informing succeeding generations of what really happened in the beginning.
DW: Overwhelming scientific evidence compels us to conclude the world is much older than 10,000 years.
VJ: If the evidence is indeed as rock-solid as you suggest then why do many reputable scientists continue to think otherwise?
DW: Hence your miracle implies a falsehood. It follows that, since God does not author falsehoods, your miracle is not of God. But, you will say, the text is divinely inspired. I'd reply that the thought is divinely inspired; the arrangement of the letters of the words that imply falsehood must have been inspired by some power other than God.
VJ: On the basis of what I have just written, the miracle does not imply a falsehood. Further, if we accept Jesus Christ as Saviour then the words of John 1:1-14 require us also to accept him as God the Creator. This truth is confirmed by the appearance of his number, 2368, as a factor of the concatenated word values of Genesis 1:1 (see "The Arbiters of Truth", latter part of Section B: ).
On the basis of your proposition we therefore have to ask, Why would 'some power other than God' wish to advertise and confirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ? If we trust him to save us then surely we have to believe the sign of Genesis 1:1 to be genuine - and, undoubtedly, a pointer to truth.
----- Original Message -----
From: Don Winterstein
To: asa ; Vernon Jenkins
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: Genesis 1:1 - a standing miracle
You claim that the "miracle" of Genesis 1:1 necessarily implies the world is less than 10 000 years old.
Overwhelming scientific evidence compels us to conclude the world is much older than 10 000 years.
Hence your miracle implies a falsehood. It follows that, since God does not author falsehoods, your miracle is not of God.
But, you will say, the text is divinely inspired. I'd reply that the thought is divinely inspired; the arrangement of the letters of the words that imply falsehood must have been inspired by some power other than God.
Received on Mon Jul 26 17:27:29 2004
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