-----Original Message-----
From: Don Winterstein [mailto:dfwinterstein@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 2:24 AM
I've never seen estimates of likely reserves that are anywhere near
those for the tar sands or oil shales. Sobering.
>>GRM: Chevron and BP drilled a well on State property just west of ANWR
and announced a 100 million barrel discovery in 1998 see
Such a discovery isn't worth much up there. It is 50 miles from Prudhoe
which is too far.The distance to a pipeline will eat up all the profits.
But they might be able to produce it when Point Thomson unit is expanded
and the Badami field (20 miles from Sourdough) is brought on line.
The state of Alaska beleives that they can put Sourdough on line by
2010. If it is 100 million barrels, it is only 5 days worth of US oil
Indeed, having worked with 3 of the 4 men who were involved in
discovering Prudhoe Bay, they told me years ago of two 100 million
barrel discoveries near Umiat [sic?} and Gubiak {sic?] discovered by the
Navy on the old Naval Petroleum resuve south of Barrow. They have never
been economic.
But there is one well drilled back in the 1980s whose logs are in the
corporate safe I believe in Chevron's corporate safe, of the only well
drilled in ANWR. It is the KIC well and was drilled on Native American
lands 80 miles east of Pt. Thomson unit. No one I know knows what is in
that well. Another well, the Aurora well (of which I know little) was a
dry hole.
Received on Fri Jul 2 10:56:51 2004
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