Re: Dr Jonathan Sarfati

From: Roger G. Olson <>
Date: Sun Jun 20 2004 - 08:00:17 EDT


Look in the Theologyweb archives yourself. I don't have time to do your
work for you. Fortunately, most of Socrates' nastier posts have been
"moderated," so all you'll find are notices in red font.

Perhaps you think that constantly referring to fellow Christians who are
not YEC as "compromising churchians" is just fine? Also, pulling the
credentials game on far more experienced people like Glenn (that "B.S.
physicist") is probably perfectly acceptable to you when Sarfarti can't
counter Glenn's geological data. How about the way Socrates bullies
"housewife" Charleen Lohman? -- check out just about any thread in the
"Cosmogony" forum.

At least Socrates ceased, after many warnings, from spelling Glenn's
surname without the "t".

Anyway, check the archives yourself. I'm sure you'll be just proud as
punch of your champion -- most the YEC sycophants are.

In God's Peace,


> Michael,
> On reflection, perhaps I was a bit hasty writing as I did - boys will be
> boys, I suppose!
> The analysis you offer is helpful - except that you appear not to have
> factored in _all_ the evidence (now freely available) that impinges on the
> matter of origins. You really must move with the times, be more flexible
> in your outlook and allow a little light to dawn.
> But, concerning Dr Sarfati, I am intrigued to know why you and Roger
> (possibly others) are so enraged with him. Perhaps you could put it in a
> nutshell for me - or, otherwise, direct me to appropriate points in the
> archive. Thanks.
> Vernon
> PS Your Welsh appears to be worse than mine! 'Thank you very much' is
> surely 'diolch _yn_ fawr'. Whatever would your old Welsh churchwarden say
> if he knew? But, be assured - my lips are sealed. V
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Michael Roberts
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 7:47 AM
> Subject: Re: Dr Jonathan Sarfati
> Vernon, I am awfully sorry, old chap. I am afraid I am unable to see how
> AIG's unique brand of vitriol and bigotry as shown by dear Socrates and
> frequently directed at Glenn and Burgy among many many others can have
> the slightest connection with the Gospel of love and truth found in
> Jesus Christ.
> It seems that to be rational and responsible is to accept all the
> nonsense poured forth by YECs who twist and distort and misrepresent
> they discuss. I attempt to show how YEC is neither rational nor
> responsible nor even honest. But it is very hard for anyone to persuade
> YECs that they might even be wrong.
> I would point out that you have often pulled out the super-spiritual
> card on this list on those who are sensible enough not to buy into your
> YEC views or Mosaic maths (is Mosaic math better for those who can't
> spell)
> Please put your house in order.
> Michael

Received on Sun Jun 20 08:31:39 2004

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