Re: Racism and YEC (WAS:Four items of possible controversy)

Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 12:58:18 EST

In a message dated 11/20/03 11:42:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I know, you have many statistics and so forth. My observation
is that there are nuts everywhere in the world. There are people who
drive around in black trucks with loud speakers that play the pre-war
anthem songs here in Japan. Those people think Japan will become
a beautiful place if all those foreigners (_all_ 100% evil of course) go
home. Then they can go back to the pre-war days when life was
simple and everybody knew their place --- a KKK with an Asian face.
Dangerous fanatics, demigogues and charlatans, exist in every tribe,
nation, religion, and occupation (including science).

Frankly, with 96% of the human genome in Africa, I begin
to realize once again that God's wisdom is the world
foolishness. Maybe God really is Black after all.

By Grace alone we proceed,
I don't know how to reply to you. Societies are hierarchalized. Jews are
historically at the top of hierarchies due to their superior intellect (the
stats you mention) and their ethnic cohesion (the reproductive isolation I've
spoken about - commonly called eugenics). This provides them with enormous
leverage in society. This is the argument in the Black Book of Communism
and it is superbly documented. It is not my argument. You should read the book.

As for black trucks, the Hasids have megaphones on top of vans that drive
through Midtown Manhattan on Christmas Day (34th street) blaring their
messages in Hebrew.

I have not discussed blacks at all. I don't know why you bring them up to me
or the KKK. If there were no blacks at all we'd still be subjugated by high
 IQ Jewish communities. In NY, the creche is no longer allowed in public
schools while Jewish and Islamic symbols are. Don't you watch the TV?

In order to believe that the Jews are totally innocent of the strategy I
suggest is operating, you must believe the german people are evil, the
russian people are evil, the Islamic peoples are evil and the french peoples
are evil including the rest of europe which is undergoing a resurgence of
anti-Semitism due to the exercise of Jewish power (do a search on
neoconservative) OVER the US, and you must also believe the Jewish canard that
Christianity is the source of "anti-Semitism."
Would you really rather believe that the whole world is evil just to defend
the Jews who are engineering the demise of Christianity?

I would rather be called names than hold your position which is destructive
of everything that is supposed to be important to us, our religion, our

By truth alone I proceed... the grace follows the truth.
rich faussette

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