Re: Racism and YEC (WAS:Four items of possible controversy)

Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 11:41:25 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Racism and YEC (WAS:Four items of possible controversy)"

    Rich Faussette wrote:

    > Consider:
    > Marxism resulted in the slaughter of the UPPER classes in each society it
    > overturned. Over 20 million christians were slaughtered by communists, more
    > than ever before by anybody.

    From 988 to 1917 AD, Christianity was a state religion.
    And with ineffectual Czar Nicholas II and that "rasputnik [sic.]"
    of a pal of his running the show, one would be hard pressed to
    think that Christianity had to offer Russia even if Marx had not
    declared that "religion is the opiate of the people". I'm
    not saying what happened was right, indeed, it is quite
    repugnant. But having the sword of politics and the sword
    of religion both in the hands of an incompetent ruler, and
    a difficult country like Russia to boot, surely this greatly
    exacerbated the fate of Christians during a regime change
    of that order of magnitude. Many people perished.

    > But if there was a group that would nenfit by having all the upper
    classes of each
    > nation dedcimated it would be the upper class of an advancing group. The
    > result would be greater differences in IQ if the upper classes of one group
    > remained while those of surroundign groups were killed. IN fact, removing the
    > educated upper classes was a tactic of mesopotamian warfare.

    To successfully kill off some 20% of a population, one needs
    considerable cooperation from more than just a 1 or 2% or even
    5%. It was a free-for-all and many people were just trying to
    cover their behinds. No one can really say how they will
    behave before the gun barrel is put to their head. And what
    does it prove if your brains are blown out for standing up for
    justice and the fink next door lives on to screw the world anyway?
    Although personally, I think the ultimate questions are very
    important and how we live has purpose on some cosmic scale,
    many people are quite practical about their religion, and when
    it does not help them, they simply move on. After all, they were
    just brought up with it, and that is all.

    > The Black Book of Communism tells us 80% of Bolsheviks were Jews. Read it.
    > Published in france by 6 historians. The churches were closed in the USSR
    > while the synagogues remained open.
    > I could continue. It's a longer list. Jacobins - anti-clericalism in
    > France. The converso initiative in Spain that you see as an inquisition but was
    > really an attempted subversion of Catholicism like what's going on now.

    Catholics have been harassed in many places. Again,
    it surely took a lot of cooperation from many people
    who should have found some more constructive ways to
    pass their time than blaming other people. Perhaps
    too many people get lost in the day to day modicum
    of life and forget that there might be something more.

    I know, you have many statistics and so forth. My observation
    is that there are nuts everywhere in the world. There are people who
    drive around in black trucks with loud speakers that play the pre-war
    anthem songs here in Japan. Those people think Japan will become
    a beautiful place if all those foreigners (_all_ 100% evil of course) go
    home. Then they can go back to the pre-war days when life was
    simple and everybody knew their place --- a KKK with an Asian face.
    Dangerous fanatics, demigogues and charlatans, exist in every tribe,
    nation, religion, and occupation (including science).

    Frankly, with 96% of the human genome in Africa, I begin
    to realize once again that God's wisdom is the world
    foolishness. Maybe God really is Black after all.

    By Grace alone we proceed,

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